Submission Guidelines

aim & scope

PoliLegal Blog invites contributions in the following categories:

1. Articles evaluating laws from a socio-political lens: These articles analyze laws and policies, assessing their broader societal and political implications.

2. Topics exploring the intersection of law and politics: Submissions delving into areas where legal frameworks influence or are influenced by political systems.

3. Comments and critiques on contemporary legal developments: Analytical pieces that discuss recent legal cases, judgments, or legislative amendments.

Articles for the blog should be between 800-1,500 words. Co-authorship is allowed for up to two authors. Contributions must be submitted in a .doc or .docx format.

For detailed formatting and citation rules, please refer to our Style Guide.

Conditions of Publication

1. Submissions not adhering to these guidelines may be returned or rejected.

2. While we aim to provide substantive feedback for all submissions, the high volume of entries may prevent us from doing so for every piece.

3. Simultaneous submissions: If a submission is accepted by another platform, the author must withdraw it from PoliLegal. Similarly, if PoliLegal accepts the piece first, it must be withdrawn from all other platforms. Failure to comply will result in removal from consideration.

4. Cross-posting: Articles accepted for publication by PoliLegal cannot be cross-posted on any other platform after January 1, 2025.

Style Guide

I. Rules of Expression

A. General

1. Use British spelling conventions (e.g., honour, analyse).

2. Italicize non-English terms and provide English translations in parentheses at their first occurrence, except for common Latin legal phrases (e.g., prima facie). Words like caveat and per annum need not be italicized.

3. Use short forms for frequently recurring terms (e.g., the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947, as “the Act”). Avoid terms like “hereinafter.”

4. Employ the Oxford (serial) comma.

B. Quotations and Extracts

1. Use double quotation marks for extracts under 50 words.

2. For extracts longer than 50 words, separate them from the main text with a new paragraph indented by 1 inch on both sides. Do not use quotation marks for these.

3. Use single quotes for terms highlighted in a specific manner.

C. Formatting of the Text

1. Font: Garamond, size 12.

2. Line spacing: 1.5.

3. References: Use hyperlinks for all online sources. Use OSCOLA 4th edition for offline sources. No separate bibliography or reference list is required.

II. Headings

Headings should be limited to two levels (a third may be used for complex discussions):

A. Level 1

Format: Bold, Centre-Aligned, Garamond, Size 12.
Example: I. Introduction

B. Level 2

Format: Bold, Left-Aligned, Italicized, Garamond, Size 12.
Example: A. Background

C. Level 3

Format: Left-Aligned, Italicized, Garamond, Size 12.
Example: i. Key Principles

Authors are encouraged to use the heading styles available in MS Word and Google Docs, though it is not mandatory.


Contributions to PoliLegal must be submitted via the Submission Page in a .doc or .docx format. Authors can expect to receive our decision within one week of submission.

We accept submissions on a rolling basis and strive for a speedy and efficient review process. The review process includes two rounds of evaluation by the Editorial Board. Authors may be required to make revisions before final publication.

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